Like us, Alfred Hitchcock hated spoilers – in fact so much that he insisted that all cinema doors be locked once ‘Psycho’ started, so no one could spoil the surprise.
The best movie review is where you can still enjoy the film even after reading it.
In our reviews key plot points and characters are kept to an absolute minimum. Sometimes they don’t feature at all (as in some movies).
Our movie reviews only give you the information you need.
Whereas some films are must-sees, others are not, so our movie reviews are written to give you all the reasons why (and why not) that multiplex pilgrimage might be justified.
We don’t use them.
(Nor marks out of 10).
Simply put, filmmakers spend many hours making movies. We do the same with our reviews. We take time to understand why a movie works (or not) and we’ll tell you why. You can’t convey that with a star.
I n the last few decades movies have changed and so have movie reviews. With advance marketing and “teasers” it can sometimes feel like you’ve seen the movie before it even arrives in the cinemas.
Nowadays with distributors even keener to recoup their multi-million dollar budgets, they want you to know as much about a film as possible – which is fair enough. However this is where “spoilers” can also creep in. Some key plot points and even casting decisions can dull or ruin your movie experience before you even buy a ticket. This is where can help: we aim to tell you everything you need to know without giving away any of the surprises. No more glancing through film reviews, reading only the last paragraph or counting the number of stars that a movie has. We present the film as it should be: a spectacle to be seen and not spoilt.
As with movies themselves, there is no formula to writing our reviews. Each movie is different and so our movie reviews try to reflect that. So, no matter how bad or sketchy the premises might seem, we’ll see each movie right through to the end hoping for that hint of greatness that we can then pass on to you.
We’re passionate about movies (and we hope you are too) and we want our reviews to reflect that passion. So if you have any questions please get in touch with us here.
Hope you enjoy the ride.
Mark Esper
February 2017