

Now in their forties, a group of American men continue playing and obsessing over a games of tag that has lasted over thirty years. Never been caught, Jerry Pierce (Jeremy Renner) is keen to maintain his unbeaten record. However this year, the others decide enough is enough and they are going to finally take him down.

…a flirtatious film that sadly forgets to be funny.

Director Jeff Tomsic’s ‘Tag’ is a flirtatious film. It simultaneously flirts with being a meta, gross-out, frat-boys-in-their-forties comedy. However despite all its frenetic fumblings, it sadly forgets to be funny. 

Solely appealing to the lightweight demands of an intrinsically domestic box office, its doubtful that ‘Tag’ will capture either your attention or your memory. Bolstered by a smattering of decent actors seemingly in-between movies, this a film whose characters sadly never seize your interest in any meaningful way. Actor Ed Helms leads Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, Hannibal Buress and Isla Fischer through a screeching script whose jokes are so repetitively double-downed that you hope they’ll never be exhumed for a sequel – or at least you’d hope so. As the slimy and evasive Jerry Pierce, Jeremy Renner manages to smirk his way through as a kind of super-spy character but even his slo-mo asides never really entertain or convince.

By its end you are left with  a shark of a movie that is too lazy to jump over itself. Clearly aimed at ‘The Hangover / Games Night’ crowd, ‘Tag’ is a film that limply chases itself into an stupor, way before your interest has already left the cinema foyer. 

Avoid it for as long as you can.

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