Incredibles 2
With superheroes outlawed, the Parr family find themselves arrested after successfully thwarting arch villain, The Underminer. Forced to renounce their superhero abilities and retreat back into normal life, they are approached by two mysterious siblings. Keen to change the the public perception of superheroes, they make the Parr family an offer they can’t refuse.
’…‘Incredible 2’s feels like a dislocated sequel that has missed its time.'
Whereas the original Incredibles movie felt fresh, arriving in the middle of Marvel’s heyday, ‘Incredible 2’ feels like a dislocated sequel that has missed its time. Whilst the inventiveness of the animation has lost none of its polish, ‘Incredibles 2’s story creaks and wanes in its later acts. Where it initially starts with interesting things to say about gender politics and role reversal, this refreshing tone is quickly crushed under a bland plot which borrows heavily from both the X-Men movies and (shudder) ‘Speed 2’.
As with the equally disappointing ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2’, any delight or inventiveness is totally supplied by its minor characters who end up stealing the show. Screened with ‘Bao’, a charming short film about one person’s relationship with a Chinese dumpling, the tone is set high. Sadly however, the wit and charm shown of this appetiser easily eclipses the main feature and unwittingly sinks this ‘Incredibles’ sequel before it’s started.